History Enrichment Overview
Mrs. L. Milner
Learning Intentions and outcomes
Monday 1st November
Making a Tussy Mussy
Pupils will learn about disease in medieval times and how people tried to stave off illness.
Monday 8th November
Baking a WW2 inspired cake
Pupils will learn about rationing and how recipes and meals were adapted during WW2.
Monday 15th November
Creating a Roman shield.
Pupils investigate different weaponry and defence articles from the past, explore the designs of Roman shields and discuss why they were effective.
Monday 22nd November
Completing our Roman shields.
Independent research, art or craft.
Monday 29th November
Titanic investigation
Pupils will use clues to learn about the famous event.
Monday 6th December
Make a stratigraphy jar
Pupils learn about how land builds up over time and we will discover some of the amazing artefacts found in Yorkshire through excavation.
Monday 13th December
Creating a Roman style Christmas Raggy Wreath.
They were used by the Romans to decorate houses for the festival of Saturnalia, which was celebrated in December in honour of the Roman god of farming, Saturn.