All Uniform can be purchased from the school offices
Grey v-neck Jumper with logo £8
Grey cardigan with logo £10
White polo shirt
Black trousers
Black shoes and indoor pumps
Hair accessories in team colours
Bookbag provided for new pupils. £3 replacement
Gingham dress or pinafore dress in team colours
Year 6
Grey blazer with logo £15
House tie £5
White shirt with collar
Black trousers
Black shoes and indoor pumps

The federation has specific rules regarding the wearing of make-up, nail varnish and nail extensions.
We want students to focus on their learning, and to get on well with others in their classes and at social times. We do not want to encourage an environment where students are competing in terms of their appearance or how “fashionable” they look.
Make-up is not permitted (without exception). It is not deemed appropriate or necessary for primary students to wear make-up in the school work environment for the reasons stated above. False eyelashes are not acceptable for school.
Nail Varnish and Nail Extensions are not permitted for reasons as outlined in our policy.